RunJS LogoRunJS

The TypeScript Playground for Rapid Prototyping

This is one of my favorite tools
Joe Previte
Joe PreviteDev Advocate at Facebook Open Source
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Latest version: 2.12.1

macOS (.app) Universal
Windows (.exe) 64 bit
Linux (.AppImage) 64 bit
Linux (.deb) 64 bit ARM ARM 64
Linux (.tar.gz) 64 bit ARM ARM 64

Explore TypeScript, run code with instant results, see type information, install NPM packages and much more.

RunJS makes it easy to try out new ideas before implementing them into your project.

I wish I had RunJS when I was a student [at] FlatironSchool. Awesome way to learn JavaScript and TypeScript fundamentals. Also perfect for exploring new libraries.
EdenFront End Developer

With access to both Node.js and Browser APIs, RunJS is a very versatile environment to tinker in.

RunJS is a fantastic tool for prototyping and testing JavaScript and TypeScript code.
Mathew Layton
Mathew LaytonPrincipal Software Engineer

NPM integration makes trying out new libraries quick and easy.Premium

Just discovered RunJS and it's a game changer! Much better than opening VSCode, creating a test.js file and running 'node test.js'. 😅
Maxim Orlov
Maxim OrlovWeb Dev and Teacher

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